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Muhammad Haris
Farhat Rehana Malik
Sohail Ahmad
Syed Maaz Ali Shah
Saqib Sultan
Zia Ullah Shah



Objective: To evaluate maternal knowledge regarding causes, signs and management of infantile diarrhea.

Methodology: This descriptive study was conducted at Pediatrics wards of two Private Teaching Hospitals of District Peshawar from 10th January 2020 to 10th March 2020. A total of 150 mothers were recruited whose chil­dren were admitted in Pediatric wards through convenient sampling technique with informed consent. A validated questionnaire was used for eligible mothers’ personal interviews in their local languages i.e Urdu and Pushto. The collected data was stored and analyzed in SPSS v.21.0; descriptive and inferential statistics were used as needed.

Results: The maternal mean age was 28±7.74 years with overall response rate of the questionnaires as 98%. Knowledge of diarrhea as watery stool was appreciated by 97(64.66 %) mothers, however, 10(6.66%) mothers had no idea about this. Evil eye was considered by 72(48%) mothers as the cause behind diarrhea, followed by contaminated water 39(26%), and teething 10(6.66%). Maternal knowledge of danger signs came out to be as weakness/lethargy 74(49.33%), followed by marked thirst for water 46(30.66%), and repeated vomiting 24(16%). The use of ORS for 24 hours was recognized by 30(20%) mothers, timings of ORS after every stool by 36(24%) mothers, and 94(62.66%) mothers were unaware about ORS usage. A significant association between maternal education and maternal knowledge was established with p value of <0.05.

Conclusion: Maternal knowledge of causes, signs and management of infantile diarrhea was better in educated mothers.

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How to Cite
Haris M, Malik FR, Ahmad S, Shah SMA, Sultan S, Shah ZU. MATERNAL KNOWLEDGE OF INFANTILE DIARRHEA: A CROSS SECTIONAL STUDY IN PRIVATE TEACHING HOSPITALS OF DISTRICT PESHAWAR-PAKISTAN. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2021 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];35(2):100-5. Available from:
Original Article
Author Biography

Farhat Rehana Malik, Department of Community Medicine, Peshawar Medical College, Riphah International University, Islamabad-Pakistan

Professor, Community Health Sciences. Peshawar Medical College, Warsak Road. Peshawar. Riphah International University, Islamabad. Pakistan.


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