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Shahid Ayub
Mumtaz Ali
Muhammad Ilyas


Objective: The objective of the present study was to determine the factors that affect the outcome in the

management of acute extradural haematoma.

Materuak and Methods: The study was carried out at the Department of Neurosurgery, PGMI Hayatabad

Medical Complex Peshawar, from 1st January 2000 to 31st December 2001. The clinical record of patients

who were operated for acute extradural haematoma in the Neurosurgical Unit was reviewed. Their clinical

condition, Glasgow coma score (GCS), duration and mode of trauma at the time of presentation were

noted. The CT Scan findings, and the surgical procedure done, were analyzed. The postoperative outcome

was assessed on the basis of Glasgow coma score.

Results: In this study 108 patients operated for acute extradural haematoma were selected. The ages

ranged from 8 months to 65 years with male to female ratio of 5:1. Out of these patients, 26 (24%) were

less than 15 years, 38 (35.1%) were between 16 and 30 years, 32 (29.6%) between 31 and 45 years. A

satisfactory out come was achieved in 74 (69 %) cases that presented within 12 hours as compared to

those who presented late. Patient's age less than 45 years had better outcome as compared to those with

more than 45 years of age. Mortality rate was 8% (n=7).

Conclusion: Timely surgery in patients who are in younger age group has better out come. The size of

the haematoma and mode of trauma are also important factors that affect the outcome.

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How to Cite
Ayub S, Ali M, Ilyas M. ACUTE EXTRA DURAL HAEMATOMA: FACTORS AFFECTING THE OUTCOME. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2011 Jul. 25 [cited 2025 Feb. 13];19(2). Available from:
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