Use of A feeding Jejunostomy After Esophageal Surgery

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Muhammad Shoaib Nabi
Aamir Bilal
Shahkar Ahmad Shah
Zahoor Ahmad


Over a 3 years period, 52 patients with esophageal malignancy were manged surgically. Twenty seven patients were fed temporarily with a catheter feeding jejunostomy placed at the time of surgery. All patients tolerated the feeding well. There were no catheter related deaths and there were two cases of catheter blockage. Experience with this technique suggests that it is a safe and a cheap method of feding patients after esophagogastric surgery. Such patients are particularly suitable for a feeding jejunostomy, as they are frequently malnourished, rarely have prolonged postoperative ileus, and may develop complications that delay the onset of oral intake.

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How to Cite
Nabi MS, Bilal A, Shah SA, Ahmad Z. Use of A feeding Jejunostomy After Esophageal Surgery. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2011 Sep. 21 [cited 2024 Sep. 18];15(1). Available from:
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