Cardiac Myxomas - Local Experience in Peshawar

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Parvez Mannan
Jalal Khan
Riaz Anwar Khan


We are presenting five cases of atrial myxomas which presented in our unit since 1993, with different clinical features like shotness of breath, congestive cardiac failure, constitutional symptoms of fatigue, fever arthralgia and loss of weight. All cases were confirmed by echocardiography. Out of five patients, two left against medical advice after having been investigated and prepared for operation, three underwent excision of myxoma. One patient developed post operative jaundice on third post operative day which deteriorated to hepatic coma and died on 21st post operative day. when diagnosed a cardiac myxoma should be removed promptly to reduce cardiac and embolic complications.

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How to Cite
Mannan P, Khan J, Khan RA. Cardiac Myxomas - Local Experience in Peshawar. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2011 Sep. 5 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];10(2). Available from:
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