Maternal Complications asscoaited with Caesarean Section - One year Retrospective Study

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Nasreen Ruby


A one year retrospective study was under taken to study caesarean section regarding maternal intra operative and post operative complications, maternal. Caesarean section rate in the year studied was 15.675%, 89.27% patients never had any antenatal care. A high rate intraoperative complicaitons was encountered in emergency cases 81.12%. The most common complicaiton during operation was primary post partum haemorrhage 59.46%, the commonest cause was atonic uterus in 54.54% of cases. haemorrhage due to technical problems accounted for 16.21% of cases 35.13% of patients had caesarean haysterectomy while 24(32%) of patients had caesarean hysterectomy with bilateral iliac artery ligations for uncontrol haemorrhage.

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Ruby N. Maternal Complications asscoaited with Caesarean Section - One year Retrospective Study. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2011 Sep. 15 [cited 2024 Sep. 20];14(1). Available from:
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