Eclampsia a Major Cause of Maternal mortality

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Saima Gillani
Lubna Hassan


Maternal mortality from eclampsia was evaluated in 30 patients admitted with eclampsia at HMC Peshawar during the period of one year from January to Dember 2000. Majority of patients were primigravidae aged less than 20 years having gestational age of more than 28 weeks. common maternal complication were pulmonary oedema, loss of blood pressure control and tongue bite. Total number of deliveries during the study period were 2882, prevalence of eclampsia in our study was 10.4 per 1000 deliveries. A total of 17 maternal deaths occured during the study period, 5 out of these were due to eclampsia. maternal mortality from eclampsia was 16.66% and accounted for 29.4% of the total maternal deaths during this period. 

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How to Cite
Gillani S, Hassan L. Eclampsia a Major Cause of Maternal mortality. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2011 Sep. 22 [cited 2025 Feb. 11];16(1). Available from:
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