Frequency of Hepatoma in Hepatitis B and C positive Cirrhotic Patients

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Zia ud Din
Riaz Muhammad
Muhammad Ilyas Saeedi
Khalid Mehmood


To find out the frequency of hepatoma in hepatitis B and C positive patients with liver cirrhosis. This descriptive study was conducted at Medical C unit of LRH, peshawar on patients admitted from jnauyar 2004 to June 2006. Seven hundred and forty patients who had hepatitis B and C positive liver cirrhosiswere included in the study. Patients were interviewed according to the proforma after fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Blood tests including liver function tests, coagulation profile and hepatitis B, C virus profile, ultrasound, serum alpha-fetoprotein level were done. Data was analyzed at the end of study. This study demonstrates that hepatoma is more common in HCV related cirrhosis liver. it is a tumour of advanced age.

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How to Cite
Din Z ud, Muhammad R, Saeedi MI, Mehmood K. Frequency of Hepatoma in Hepatitis B and C positive Cirrhotic Patients. J Postgrad Med Inst [Internet]. 2011 Oct. 12 [cited 2024 Oct. 24];20(4). Available from:
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